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Notable Cases

Creating Favorable Case Law Across the Country

In addition to the 100’s of favorable verdicts and results obtained in our footprint states of Alabama and Mississippi, McKenzie PLLC has litigated matters in 29 other states. Our major clients pay us to represent them across the country and we routinely obtain special admission (pro hac vice) in other jurisdictions to employ our specialized knowledge and trial tactics.

We have created game-changing national caselaw featured in Yale Law Review, Law360®, and have been cited in numerous other industry publications by the International Association of Defense Counsel, Defense Research Institute, and Business Alabama magazine. Scroll down to view some of McKenzie’s recent (nationwide) noteworthy cases.

Starr Indem. & Liab. Co. v. Choice Hotels Int’l, Inc.
No. 20-CV-3172 (PKC), 2021 WL 2457107, at *1
(S.D.N.Y. June 16, 2021)

Won At Trial

Millers Cap. Ins. Co. v. Vasant, et al
No. CV RDB-18-0553, 2018 WL 5295899, at *1
(D. Md. Oct. 25, 2018)

Won on Summary Judgment

Nautilus Ins. Co. v. Best Eastern, et al
(M.D. Ga. 2020)

Favorable Dismissal

Owners Ins. Co. v. Choice Hotels Int’l, Inc.
No. 5:20-cv-00021
(E.D. N.C. 2021)

Won on Summary Judgment (March 4, 2022)

Great Lakes Ins. SE v. EHP Columbus II, LLC et al.
No. 1:21-cv-2948
(S.D. Ind. 2021)

Favorable Dismissal

Town & Country Prop., L.L.C. v. Amerisure Ins. Co.
No. 111 So. 3d 699
(Ala. 2011)

Victory in Alabama Supreme Court


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